About Me​

Hello, I am Stephanie

I am a mom of one handsome little toddler and I have a backround in nutrition as well as working on my bachelors in nutrition. I wanted to create this page to help educate and create a community of women about PCOS. I have suffered with PCOS for as long as I can remember. Though I only recently in the last 7 years have I started more research diving into remedies and answers as well as connecting the pieces of our bodies and nutrition and how we can help heal or manage the symtoms that follow PCOS. I started to do this because I started my TTC journey and found that it was nearly impossible to get answers with my symptoms and condition. Learning our bodies do not always release an egg when we ovulate with PCOS was new information to me, learning that my extreme fatigue wasnt just part of how my body was, weight gain wasnt entirely my fault and learning all my symptoms of PCOS were connected and not just random are all things I learned during my first year of really understnding this condition.

I have found how useful nutrition can be to our bodies while keeping our favorite foods and keeping it simple. The symtoms of PCOS are so hard to diagnose aloone or completly understand for those who do not suffer with PCOS. I have had extreme fatigue for years, absent periods, ovarian cysts bursting, bloating (similar to ENDO belly) the list goes on. It is hard to really connect with people on that level unles you have hormone disorders like PCOS. This is why I wanted to create a community on here to help others and show they are not alone and that with a community and some educational pieces on our bodies and how nutrition can help us we can better learn about our bodies and live a less complicated life due to PCOS.

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